Having a good sense of humor provides many benefits and will help a person throughout their whole life. How, then, can you help your children develop their own sense of humor?

How to Help Your Child Develop a Sense of Humor?

Having a good sense of humor provides many benefits and will help a person throughout their whole life. How, then, can you help your children develop their own sense of humor?
Here is a summary of the different stages of humor in children, along with seven basic rules that will help your children develop a sense of humor.
Humor Development in Children
Children’s humor will change depending on their age. Babies laugh when they’re being tickled or when you “blow raspberries on their tummy”. An 18-24 months old child, for example, laughs when a parent puts a sock on their nose or on their ears. From 2 to 3 years old, children start to say simple verbal jokes, like calling their father “mommy”. Between 3 and 5 years old, children laugh at funny, ridiculous pictures, like an elephant with a giraffe’s neck. Starting from 6 years old, their sense of humor starts to resemble that of an adult.
Build up Their Self Esteem
Help your children build up their self-esteem in every aspect of their life. A child with no self-esteem will have a hard time showing humor in their relationships with others.
Set an Example
The best way to develop your children’s sense of humor is through your example. Have a good sense of humor yourself, and don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t be afraid to make funny faces and dance ridiculously. Tell jokes and funny stories on a regular basis.
Laugh at Your Children’s Jokes
When your child tells a joke, laugh, even if it isn’t particularly funny. Laughing at your children’s jokes shows them that they have the power to make others laugh and boosts their self-esteem.
Make Humor an Integral Part of Your Life
Surround yourself with funny books that are appropriate for your children’s ages. Books with silly pictures for the younger ones, and children’s joke books for the older ones.
Set Time Aside for Humor Nights
Watch a comedy film, take ridiculous pictures or play a funny game.
Make Chores Fun
Show your children that working can be fun. Make a game out of a chore as simple as picking up the toys. In doing so, you’ll show your children that boring chores can become fun when you add in a little humor.
Teach Them the Limits
You want to encourage your children to develop a sense of humor, but you also need to show them where the limits are. Explain why mean or crude jokes aren’t funny, and why we should never make fun of others.
Laughing is Contagious and Beneficial
Don’t stop yourself from laughing. By instilling a good sense of humor in your children, you help them become creative adults that have good social skills and don’t take themselves too seriously.