What do teachers wish parents knew?

What do teachers wish parents knew?

Teachers and school administration play an essential role in our children’s education, but there are often things they would like to convey to parents. This blog will explore the eight important messages teachers would like to communicate to parents to facilitate collaboration and their children’s education and academic performance.

What teachers would like parents to know

Fostering Independence

It is common to hear parents express their preference for their children’s autonomy, especially regarding homework,  school communication and life skills. The idea is understandable: encouraging learning autonomy is a commendable goal. However, it is essential to remember that a child does not acquire autonomy overnight. They require initial guidance to learn to take care of their belongings, get organized, and develop a sense of responsibility. Subsequently, a gradual withdrawal can be considered.

It is even more important to emphasize that if a child receives no support for their homework, they may conclude that school is not very important. Parental involvement is therefore important to establish a homework routine and ensure consistency

The nuances between school and home

Taking the time to explain to your child the difference between rules at elementary school and at home is crucial for their development. It is entirely normal for rules to vary at school and at home. For example, wearing a hat at home might be tolerated, while the school administration may prohibit wearing one in a school environment. As a result, the child learns to respect and adapt to each set of rules to succeed at school and in their daily lives.

Keep in mind that each child is unique and may react differently depending on the school environment. What your child reports at home may sometimes differ from what happens at school. Before drawing conclusions, engage in a direct conversation with the teacher. This approach will help you understand the context and ensure a more comprehensive view of the situation. By fostering open and constructive communication with the teacher, resolving potential issues and collaborating for the child’s well-being becomes easier.

Supporting reading at home

Encouraging reading is one of the key factors for academic performance. Teachers hope that parents value and promote reading at home because it contributes not only to the development of reading skills but also to the child’s intellectual growth. When parents encourage reading, they open the door to imagination, knowledge acquisition, and precious family bonding moments. It is a habit that can enrich a child’s life and prepare them for a promising future. We can’t stress it enough: read, read, read! The value of this type of hands-on learning should be encouraged on school nights and weekends.

Building connections: The essence of parent-teacher communication

Communication plays an important role in establishing strong relationships between parents and teachers. According to Ander Paris, teachers who maintain regular communication with parents are more inclined to cultivate open exchanges.

It’s not for nothing that teachers ask for signatures on dictations, agendas, or notes. All these forms of communication serve to inform you about your child’s development.

For children at the beginning of their school journey who need more guidance, it is appropriate to follow up with your child: ‘Do you have any papers for me to sign?’ This reinforces the child’s sense that parents consider school and the teacher’s requests top priorities.

What really happens on a school day

Whether it’s a public school or a private school, the daily life of teachers is filled with challenges and commitment to their students. Regardless of the type of educational institution, teachers often face classes with more than 20 students, which requires expert time and attention management. Behaviours that a parent might consider minor can be a significant issue for a teacher in the classroom. Trust them when they report poor behaviour! Teachers work hard to maintain a positive, stimulating, and equitable learning environment for each student, ensuring that each one has the opportunity to flourish academically and personally. However, they need to know that parents have their backs!

The road to success

The path to success for our children begins with small actions that have a significant impact. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Ensure that they go to bed early, ideally around 6:30 PM for preschool and around 7:30 PM for the rest of elementary school, providing them with the necessary rest for their development.
  2. Reading a story every night fosters their imagination and love for reading.
  3. By asking them to share their day, we strengthen communication and trust.
  4. Family board games strengthen bonds and develop their social skills.
  5. Finally, teaching them basic information, such as parents’ names, professions, address, phone number, and their own birthday, helps them be prepared and safe.

All of these practices fit into a routine that offers stability and structure, essential elements for their development.

Your child is not born with the certainty of their own worth, beauty, and importance.

Of course, the ideal would be that our children’s minds are preprogrammed from birth to convince them of their excellence, worth, beauty, and intelligence. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different. According to Julie of ‘Joyeuses catastrophes‘, it is during early childhood that children shape their self-perception. The slightest thing can seriously shake their self-esteem. They often tend to take responsibility for many situations that should not rest on their shoulders. It is crucial to remind them constantly of how precious, competent, loved, exceptional, and unique they are. This reminder can never be too frequent.

In conclusion, and on a humorous note, did you know that teachers LOVE it when their students’ school supplies are carefully labeled throughout the year? It greatly simplifies classroom management and ensures that each child keeps their belongings in order. With Colle à moi school labels, you can be sure that your children’s school supplies will remain well identified and in perfect condition, contributing to a more efficient and organized learning environment.

What do teachers wish parents knew?

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How can parents communicate effectively with teachers?

First and foremost, it is important to maintain regular communication throughout the school year, whether through the agenda, emails, phone calls, or meetings. Your teacher will inform you of their preferences. Listening carefully to teachers, asking questions, and expressing concerns respectfully are crucial steps for effective communication. Additionally, being involved in your child’s school life by participating in events and showing interest in their progress can strengthen the relationship with teachers. Finally, maintaining open dialogue and working collaboratively for the well-being and success of the child is essential.

What role do parents play in their child’s academic success?

Parents play a key role in academic success! Their engagement, support, and involvement are determining factors for their child’s well-being and academic performance. A parent who values education, the teacher, and classroom rules reinforces the importance the child will place on them in return.

By encouraging curiosity, perseverance, and a love of learning, parents create a school environment conducive to success. They can also help their child establish good study habits, manage their time, and cope with education-related stress. Ultimately, parents who show active interest in their children’s education and support them on their path to academic success play an invaluable role in their educational development.

How can parents support teachers in classroom management and discipline?

Parents can support teachers in classroom management and discipline by encouraging responsibility and respect in their children from a young age, starting as early as kindergarten. Parents should clearly communicate behavioural expectations to their children and help them understand the consequences of their actions. They can also maintain open communication with teachers, sharing information about their child’s behaviour at home and seeking advice to address potential issues.

It is not advisable to undermine a teacher’s work or rules to a child. Parents should communicate their concerns privately to the teacher. It is important for the child to trust their teacher to establish an atmosphere of respect and facilitate discipline.

What are common misconceptions that parents have about the teaching profession?

According to the Autonomous Teachers’ Federation, one of the most common misconceptions is that teachers have short working hours and lots of vacation time. In reality, teachers dedicate many hours outside the classroom to lesson planning, assessing students’ work, and preparing reports. Furthermore, they often engage in ongoing professional development to stay up-to-date with the latest teaching methods.

Another common misconception is that teachers are responsible for the behaviour of all students, regardless of their family environment. Teachers work in partnership with parents to support students’ development, but they cannot control everything. It is important to recognize that teaching is demanding and requires a passionate commitment to students’ education.

How can parents help create a conducive learning environment at home?

Parents can enhance their child’s academic success by encouraging a regular homework and study routine on school nights, providing a quiet and well-organized workspace free from distractions, promoting reading at home, and actively supporting homework.

Parents can also play an active role in assisting with their child’s homework, answering their questions, and encouraging independence. Happy teachers and happy parents create a positive learning environment for children!

What are teachers’ expectations from parents during parent-teacher meetings?

First and foremost, they hope parents come to the meeting with an open mind, ready to listen and discuss their child’s progress and needs. They expect parents to ask questions and share their concerns because it facilitates open and effective communication. Finally, they hope parents actively participate in their child’s education by following the recommendations provided during the meetings and participating in school activities. 

How can parents and teachers collaborate to address a child’s behavioural issues?

By candidly sharing their observations and concerns, both parties can develop an action plan that includes consistent strategies at school and home. Regular monitoring of the child’s progress and ongoing communication are essential to ensure that the approaches adopted are aligned and effective.

What advice do teachers have for parents to help their children with homework?

They recommend creating a quiet, well-organized workspace and school supplies at home, free from distractions.

A routine is also your best option in establishing regular homework hours. Encouraging independence while being available to answer questions is an effective strategy. The importance of daily reading is often emphasized, as it enhances comprehension and vocabulary.

To learn more, read this article: “Ease homework and lessons in elementary school.