4 Original Lunch Ideas for Your Kids

Why should your children’s lunch box include the traditional crust-free ham sandwich, an apple, a package of celery, and an orange juice box?

Why should your children’s lunch box include the traditional crust-free ham sandwich, an apple, a package of celery, and an orange juice box? Here are a few lunch ideas that will add variety and spice to your kids’ menus.

1. Sushi rolls

Swap the traditional sandwich for succulent homemade or ready-made sushi. As they are easy to transport, can be eaten cold and eaten with your hands, raw fish rolls are perfect for the kids’ lunches. More good news here is that sushi comes in an infinite variety of sorts and flavours, so the menus can be easily changed up.

2. Meat and vegetable wraps

Replace the sandwiches with cheese and rice, salad and pita wraps that you can use to roll up cold meats, cheese pieces, lettuce, and grated or finely chopped vegetables. Use some dressing or sauce – and voila, the meal is ready.

3. Cold pasta salads

Cold pasta salads are an excellent source of nutrients and energy – they are an ideal meal for your little ones. They come in many shapes and flavours – macaroni salad, Greek salad, Asian noodle salad, only limited by your imagination. They are also easy to make and carry, and what is interesting about this type of dish is that other ingredients such as sesame or sunflower seeds, feta cheese pieces, parmesan, black olives, and garnish can be added to the vegetables and meat pieces.

4. Pizza rolls

The Simpleasthatblog.com blog offers simple and original snack ideas for kids, one of which is to make pizza rolls. The kids will love the idea (who doesn’t love pizza?), and these can be easily frozen and used later. You put pieces of pepperoni and grated cheese into a rolled pizza dough and cut it, once cooked, into small rolls. Of course, you can add other ingredients to the meal according to your preferences.

Eat up!